Educating and Empowering Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence.

Advocating, educating

and supporting.

We are a nonprofit organization focused on providing advocacy and education to the victims and survivors of domestic violence. Our goal is to create a support network that empowers women to break free from the cycle of domestic violence that keeps them isolated and struggling. Join us in ending the silence and finding your voice.

What is Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a series of chronic controlling and manipulating behaviors that one partner uses to gain access and power over the other. These behaviors can include: physical violence and threats of violence, being financially controlling, religious abuse, sexual abuse, and mental/emotional abuse. 

Signs of Mental and Emotional Abuse

  • Love Bombing or honeymoon phase

  • Trust and dependence phase

  • Criticism and Devaluation phase

  • Manipulation and Gaslighting phase

  • Resignation and Giving up phase

  • Loss of self phase

  • Emotional addiction to cycle of abuse

And this is how a trauma bond is formed. 

The abuse cycle causes victims and survivors to stay in patterns of making up and false hope. This causes a heavy sense of denial about the abusive situation and creates a strong Codependent dynamic with the abuser that leads to an intense trauma bond. Trauma bonds are more intense than normal relationships, and make it more difficult to set boundaries and leave the abusive situation. 

85% of women have been victims and/or survivors of domestic violence in their lifetime.

Everyone’s HEALING journey looks a little different……

and THAT’S OKAY!!!!!!!

The Stages of Healing

  • Make sure you are safe. Listen to your head, not your heart.

  • Allow yourself to go through the grief process.

  • It's okay to be angry, just let out your anger in a positive way.

  • Start rebuilding your self-esteem.

  • Reinvent YOU! ! Get to know yourself.

  • Recognize and evaluate your mental and emotional health and seek professional help.

  • Heal yourself, learn and most of all GROW!!!! 

Healing is NOT Linear, and it is NOT going to be easy, however I promise you it will get better as the days go by………….

To register for our program please click below


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
